Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Diving In!

It has been a bit of a scary week so far, but not because the material is too difficult. It is because I have so many plates spinning. Aside from LIS 568, I have had a sick child to contend with, pulling off a daughter's birthday party (complete with overnight guests), my son's JV MCCI finals meet for swimming (yes, those are his legs), my 3 hour round trip on Tuesday night to and from Buffalo for a class, and whatever else being a normal homemaker and mom brings. How can I possibly get it all done? Okay...I am whining a bit. Things are managing to come together in spite of it all. My goal is to get it all done by Friday so I can concentrate on my daughter's birthday on Saturday.

First of all, the newsletter. I was having all kinds of trouble with MS Word because it just wasn't doing what I wanted it to. I ended up settling for something I didn't like as well because I just couldn't figure it out. I asked my son for help because after all, aren't today's teenagers supposed to be technologically savvy? Hmmm. It seems like I read something about that very topic lately. Anyway, he didn't know how to do it either! Go figure! The other thing I hate to admit is that sometimes I am very confused about how to cite something even with The Little, Brown Essential Handbook. This concerns me since I am supposed to be an educator who helps students do this very thing! Is there anyone else out there who is like this? Please comment and tell me 'Yes' and encourage me that I am not alone.

I'm enjoying the discussion board,and the blogs of my classmates and hearing the perspectives of others.

As for the articles about the assistive devices, I thought they were fascinating! I loved learning all about them. There are just some incredible things out there to help people with disabilities today. I do feel very informed about assistive technology that is available and am glad that I had this assignment to help me learn about them. My newsletter is almost done.

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