Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The end....but only the beginning

So we are coming to a close in this class. I learned quite a bit. I still have quite a bit to think about and read. I'll be busy with that this summer. The information in the class was vast, but helpful. When I first decided to become a librarian, I knew that many things had changed in librarianship since I had worked in a public library years ago, but I just didn't know how much. I think it only makes the job that much more appealing and exciting to me. I don't think I'll get bored in the field. It seems like it is challenging, rewarding and ever changing.

After this class, I feel much more equipped to become a school librarian. I look forward to it. I am done now with all of my coursework to get my degree. In the fall, I will complete my practicum.

So I am done with my course work, but never done with learning! I can see that it will be constant work to stay abreast of new developments in the field. However, I think it will be work that I will enjoy.

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